Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Fall Bag Preview

Or at least, what I'm eyeing for the fall season.

A little background on me and bags. I love (most) designer bags, but I don't love kicking down more than $100 for a bag. And when I buy one, it's usually for a good 2-3 months of a season. I'm also into big bags because I commute from the Maryland suburbs into DC everyday and carry all my normal stuff plus a book or magazine, sometimes files back and forth from work, sometimes a pair of flip flops. And hey, I just like them bigger. Mind out of the gutter, girls...anyway...all reasons why you will see me feature mainly big bags on this site.

Thanks to the fab site Frugal-Fashionista introducing me to, this gem of a website offered up my three favorites:
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The first bag is a Fiori knockoff for $33. Love both the black and brown colors. The second is another Fiori knockoff, and I looooove the oxblood color. The last one incorporates suede, which I'm looking forward to wearing in the cooler weather - this one is $32.

I'm leaving most heavily on the first one, in brown since I already have a black and gold studded leather bag that I used last year and still love it.

More bag bargains to come! And sorry for the sub-par photo. Best I could do since Blogger is putting a serious crimp in my fresh to death style.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Supa Dope Fashion Sense

Blogger is putting a huge damper on my posting style b/c it won't let me post any freaking pictures. And what is a fashion blog without pictures? Thanks a lot, guys.

In the meantime, I found the perfect description of my fashion sense, thanks to Kanye West. How did he know?

"...really dope sense of style that's fresh to death."

Thanks, Kanye. See, y'all? Kanye knows. Trust.

Monday, August 14, 2006

With Beauty...and Fashion...For all!

I'm certainly not the first fashion blogger out there, not even the first plus-size fashion blogger. However, I still think I can contribute to the plus-size fashion blogosphere. You'll see postings dealing with all sizes though and any other interesting tidbits. even the occasional fashion rant in general.

Like the rest of you, I've noticed the complete lack of a devoted plus-size fashion magazine on the racks (b/c Figure is a glorified catalogue of Lane Bryant). thankfully, we have the web to turn to, but I'd like to make this blog an amalgam of my favorite magazines: Glamour, Marie Claire, and my personal favorite, Lucky. I'm always reading/finding new stuff to look up, so I'll be posting my finds here.

I was also inspired by fellow bloggers and their fabulous sites that I visit daily like Beauty Plus Power, Fatshionista, the Budget Fashionista, and Design*Sponge too many others to list in this paragraph. I plan to give credit where credit is due every single time b/c my closet would be nothing without all the fabulous people at the above magazines and blogs.

I hope this blog becomes an information exchange as well. Please email me any tips, stories, things you'd like to see, etc. I'd like to start features of the week/month/etc. so let me know what you'd like to see (find of the month? emerging trends? one piece, four outfits?). And not only fashion, accessories, all the rest of the accoutrements.

And let the games begin...